About us

Sorensen Management Group works with a selected group of partners to support you!

Bob Sørensen - founder 

I am the author of the book "The Art of Restarting" and the founder of Sørensen Management Group. Dutch by passport but consider myself as a global citizen, currently living in Dubai. As a lifelong learner, I am a strong believer in the power of humanity to solve big challenges. And happy to contribute to people's and organizations' progress and transformation, via my work and my curated partner network.  

Our partner: The Passion Profile 

Based on over 10 years of experience in career coaching, psychology, and personal development, The Passion Profile has already helped over 1000 people gain clarity about who they really are, stand in their own power, discover their true passion and career direction, and actually make a change. Regardless of whether you see your future as an employee or entrepreneur, it all begins with a crystal-clear answer to the question: WHAT?

Our Partner: 123 test

123test® is a privately owned and independent company. For close to twenty years, we have been creating and publishing tests on the internet. Our tests are designed to help you find serious answers to your questions about IQ, personality, or career assessment. Tests published on 123test.com are not "marketing tools" used to sell you various products and services or to obtain personal information, email addresses, or résumés from you.